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Technology to keep you cool and comfortable
Ideal comfort becomes personal
Comfort always with you
Comfort always with you
The smart remote control is your key to personalised comfort. Keep it with you and the special sensors will constantly monitor the temperature and humidity around you, adjusting the output to keep you cool and comfortable at all times.
Cooling that protects your family
Cooling that protects your family
Our portable air conditioners feature UV-Carelight technology, Ultra-Violet LEDs (UV-C) that clean the air of bacteria and viruses as it passes through the appliance before circulating back into the room (with the percentage rate as per the disclaimer).
Automatic temperature and humidity tracking
Automatic temperature and humidity tracking
My Eco Real Feel monitors ambient temperature and humidity and adapts functioning in real time to ensure the room is as cool and comfortable as you want it to be at all times while saving 30% on energy consumption.