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3D Secure

3D Secure is designed to make online shopping transactions safer. 3D Secure is a protocol (set of rules) that provides extra protection for merchants and customers for online payments. It is used to authenticate the cardholder during payment processing, similar to entering a PIN for an ATM or EFTPOS transaction, through the use of Verified by Visa and MasterCard® SecureCode™.

Verified by VISA and MasterCard® SecureCode™

Verified By VisaMasterCard Secure Code

De'Longhi Australia uses the latest credit card technologies including Verified by Visa and MasterCard® SecureCode™ to ensure that your online shopping experience with us is safe and secure.

Why do we use it?

De'Longhi Australia takes your privacy and data security seriously and we do our best to provide an exceptional level of protection for our customers against online fraud and credit card theft.

How does it work?

When you place an order on the De'Longhi Australia website using a credit card you may be requested by your bank or financial institution to enter your security credentials or provide a code via SMS (mobile number on file with your bank) to authorise the transaction. Once credentials have been validated by your bank, your order will be finalised with us.

If you have any issues or problems with using Verified by Visa or MasterCard® SecureCode™ you should contact your bank or financial institution.

You can be confident that your credit card is safe and secure.

Verified by Visa and MasterCard® SecureCode™ are all services that provide the necessary protection to keep your credit card safe from hacking. These services are provide free of charge, however your bank or financial institution needs to register you to take advantage of these security features.

What if I am NOT enrolled?

Most major banking and financial institutions automatically enrol their customers for Verified by Visa and MasterCard® SecureCode™ services. However, if your card is not enrolled, this means that either the bank that issued the card is not yet supporting these services or it means that the card holder has not yet been registered for them. If you are not registered and your financial institution requests verification from you via the De'Longhi Australia website you will not be able to finalise your purchase with us. It is highly recommended for a smooth, safe & secure shopping experience that you register for these services if you discover that you are not registered.

What if my card IS enrolled?

If your card is enrolled for Verified by Visa or MasterCard® SecureCode™ by your bank or financial institution, the De'Longhi Australia website will automatically use these services to protect your online transactions with us. You can be confident that your shopping experience with De'Longhi Australia is safe and secure.

More Information

For more information please see the links below:

If you have any issues or problems with using Verified by Visa or MasterCard® SecureCode™ you should contact your bank or financial institution.
