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Magnifica Evo Next grinder settings

Magnifica Evo Next features a conical steel built-in grinder with 13 grinding settings.

The grinding level can be manually adjusted with ease to reach the perfect grind size needed by your coffee beans to reach the perfect extraction.

You know you reached perfect extraction when the espresso flows slowly like warm honey has a nut-brown crema on top and has a well balanced lingering taste.

If your coffee is under-extracted, flow too fast, is watery and has no or very light crema turn the grinding adjustment dial one click towards the finer setting (toward position “1”).
If your coffee is over-extracted, flows too slowly or in drips, very dark and not uniform crema turn the grinding adjustment dial one click towards the coarser setting (toward position “7”).
The new grinding settings will be fully effective after at least two espresso.

If you change your coffee beans you might need to change the grinder settings as different roasting levels and blends need to be ground differently.

Magnifica Evo Next only grinds the necessary amount of coffee needed for the selected drink, to preserve the aroma of the beans and reduce any coffee waste!
