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Indulge with PrimaDonna Aromatic


Perfetto, Ultimate Pleasure

Perfetto, Ultimate Pleasure

Enter a world of unparalleled coffee delights. With PrimaDonna Aromatic, every cup is a masterpiece of aromas exquisitely crafted to enchant your senses.
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Your touch, a world of coffee


Your touch, a world of coffee

With the PrimaDonna Aromatic's 5" intuitive display, every coffee choice is just a touch away, making it easier than ever to explore a world of rich flavours. Its user-friendly interface effortlessly guides you, transforming each brew into a personalised moment of pure indulgence.

Indulge in the most aromatic coffee experience ever


Indulge in the most aromatic coffee experience ever

Featuring De'Longhi's Bean Adapt Technology with automatic grinder regulation, PrimaDonna Aromatic seamlessly unveils flavours you've never tasted before, transforming every sip into a moment of pure pleasure.


Your journey to coffee pleasure begins here


PrimaDonna Aromatic Timeless elegance in Silver brushed metal
LatteCrema Hot Technology Cold Extraction Technology Bean Adapt Technology 30 hot and cold one-touch coffee delights
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PrimaDonna Aromatic Timeless elegance in Titanium shiny metal
LatteCrema Hot & Cool Technologies Cold Extraction Technology Bean Adapt Technology 35+ hot and cold one-touch coffee delights
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PrimaDonna Aromatic Timeless elegance in Titanium brushed metal
LatteCrema Hot & Cool Technologies Cold Extraction Technology Bean Adapt Technology 35+ hot and cold one-touch coffee delights
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Treat yourself to more choice

Treat yourself to more choice

Uncover a world of flavours with more than 35 hot and cold coffee pleasures, from Espresso, Filter-style and Cold brew-based drinks to a wide variety of milk-based options. Featuring innovative Cold Extraction and LatteCrema Hot & Cool Technologies, PrimaDonna Aromatic effortlessly satisfies every coffee craving.
