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Can I make coffee and steam milk at the same time with La Specialista Arte?

La Specialista Arte has a single heating system for coffee, hot water and milk beverages preparations. Although you cannot do these actions together, there is no waiting time in switching over from coffee to milk or vice versa. By having a Thermoblock heating system the temperature is accurate and stable for each function and the heat up time for the machine is still around 35 seconds. The grinder can be activated independently from the brewing and steaming functions, therefore you can steam milk while grinding and then brew as soon as milk is finished. The electronic temperature control of the Thermoblock allows the machine to switch automatically from coffee brewing temperature to steam temperature and vice-versa in a few seconds. This means that you can froth or steam milk almost immediately after delivering coffee, or vice versa you can deliver a perfect espresso almost immediately after frothing milk.
