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Goods Return Authorisation

Goods Return Authorisation

The purpose of this policy is to set out the circumstances under which De'Longhi will accept return of De'Longhi Group products from retailers for repair or replacement.  This policy applies to defective products only.

De'Longhi is committed to compliance with all laws and regulations, including the Competition and Consumer Act and Australian Consumer Law / Consumer Guarantee NZ.  This policy does not exclude or modify the statutory rights or liability of any party.

This policy does not affect the rights of end user customers or contractual relationships with our account customers.

Download the Goods Return Authorisation policy

Download the Goods Return Authorisation form

De'Longhi has dedicated lines of communications to process GRA claims promptly:

Telephone 1800 126 659 (for Australia) or 0508 200 300 (New Zealand)
