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Brezplačna dostava za naročila nad 39 € Brezplačno vračilo Opozorilo: Nakup na podjetje, z davčno številko, ni mogoč. Prodaja je mogoča le končnemu potrošniku.
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  2. Stran s pogosto zastavljenimi vprašanji

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To help you find the right answer from our Support Team, please try our Product Assistant or the Troubleshooting Guides

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

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Which descaler should I use with my espresso coffee machine?

The only descaler recommended for safe use with De\'Longhi coffee machines is De Longhi descaler \'ECODECALK\' which can be found on our  website
The De\'Longhi descale solution consists of natural ingredients which are completely safe for use with our coffee machines and will be gentle on working parts.
For usage instructions please see your owners manual for your machine.
