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Looking for help with your coffee machine?

To help you find the right answer from our Support Team, please try our Product Assistant or the Troubleshooting Guides


Ask us a question.

My Portable Air Conditioner is not blowing cold air. What can I do?

If your Portable Air Conditioner is not blowing cold air please check the following:

  • check that the unit temperature setting is lower than the room temperature;
  • check that the fan is blowing warm air from the back of the unit;
  • check that you hear the compressor kick on after start up (could be a 3 minutes delay);
  • check that the filter is clean and unit has not error messages.

Note: if this does not resolve your issue you may contact our toll free numbers for assistance: 
For US 1-800-322-3848
For Canada 1-888-335-6644

or check the service locator found in this website for the closest service center