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Besplatna dostava za narudžbe iznad 39 €
Besplatan povrat
Upozorenje: Izdravanje R1 računa na tvrtku nije moguća. Prodaja je moguća samo krajnjem kupcu.
Cook like a pro with a Cool Zone deep fryer, an expert approach to frying
Adjustable thermostat from 150°C to 190°C
Dishwasher safe lid, basket and bowl with removable components
Easy Clean System drains the oil without lifting or tipping
Capacity: 1.5kg food and 5 litres of oil
Cool Zone system
The Cool Zone allows food particles to drop underneath the heating system without burning, thus keeping the oil cleaner with less odour.
Easy Clean System
Quickly and easily drain and remove oil without messy lifting or tipping. The oil collecting container conveniently filters and stores the oil for re-use.
Dishwasher safe
Bowl, basket and lid can be completely disassembled and are fully dishwasher safe with removable components for easy cleaning.
Basket hook
The position of the frying basket can be raised using the special hook, allowing fried food to drain. This ensures healthier, expert results.
Tehnički podaci
Tehnički podaci
Dimenzije (šxdxv) (mm)
Maksimalni kapacitet hrane (kg)
Količina ulja (maks.) (l)
Ulazna snaga (W)
Nazivni napon / frekvencija (V~Hz)
220-240 V / 50-60 Hz
De'Longhi je stalno predan poboljšanju tehničkih specifikacija i estetskih karakteristika svojih proizvoda. Unatoč svim naporima da se pruže točne slike svakog proizvoda, njihova boja može malo odstupati od prikazanih slika, zbog izvora osvjetljenja ili postavki monitora.