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Besplatna dostava za narudžbe iznad 39 € Besplatan povrat Upozorenje: Izdravanje R1 računa na tvrtku nije moguća. Prodaja je moguća samo krajnjem kupcu.

Izniman stil. Izvanredan okus.

Profinjena mješavina elegancije i dizajna u najboljem izdanju.

Sunshine White
Sunset Black


Prave boje autentičnog talijanskog stila.

Najveći dizajnerski trendovi uvijek su oni najodvažniji. Na rubovima spektra boja nalaze se najsvjetliji i najtamniji tonovi koji utjelovljuju energiju dana koji je pred nama ili intimni odraz kako se noć približava.
Kupite Distinta Moments i Gran Lattissima


Ragyogó természetes szépség.

A Sunshine White fehér a bátorítás és védelem, a tisztaság és a ragyogás színét jelenti. A sima, matt, texturált fémes bevonat a nap energiáját viszi otthonodba, és különleges hangulatot kölcsönöz a térnek.
Vásároljon Distinta Moments és Gran Lattissima termékeket


Stylish and timeless.

Sunset Black is the colour of authority and power, stability and strength. Mornings take on a powerful new vitality while late evening teas or coffees allow you to reflect upon the day’s many achievements.
Shop Distinta Moments & Gran Lattissima

The elegant allure of pure design.

Style and functionality paired with premium quality. True beauty is in every detail.

Our electric kettle features an ample 1.7 l water capacity for family breakfasts or afternoon teas. The built-in anti-scale filter reduces impurities and scaling and is fully removable for easy cleaning and maintenance.
Featuring a range of electronic controls, reheat and defrost functions and an extra-lift position for easy removal of small slices, our 2-slice toaster makes breakfasts a treat for all the family.
Nespresso coffee maker
Nespresso coffee maker
Disitnta Moments coffee maker ensures an enhaced, fully personalised coffee experience at the touch of a button. In addition, Pure One Touch lets you select your desired level of milk foamand choose between foam or flat milk for a truly unique coffee moment.
Nespresso coffee maker
Our electric kettle features an ample 1.7 l water capacity for family breakfasts or afternoon teas. The built-in anti-scale filter reduces impurities and scaling and is fully removable for easy cleaning and maintenance.
Featuring a range of electronic controls, reheat and defrost functions and an extra-lift position for easy removal of small slices, our 2-slice toaster makes breakfasts a treat for all the family.
Nespresso coffee maker
Disitnta Moments coffee maker ensures an enhaced, fully personalised coffee experience at the touch of a button. In addition, Pure One Touch lets you select your desired level of milk foamand choose between foam or flat milk for a truly unique coffee moment.