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De'Longhi Dehumidifiers Range

De'Longhi dehumidifiers will eliminate excessive moisture from the air, solving any humidity-related issues, and allowing you and your family to enjoy a comfortable home all year round.

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Filtriraj prema:
Tasciugo Ariadry
  • 579,90 €
*PDV uključen
  • Filter za prašinu
  • Sustav pumpe
  • Indikator razine vode
  • Uređaj protiv smrzavanja
Doznajte više
Tasciugo AriaDry Multi
  • 549,90 €
*PDV uključen
  • De'Longhi aplikacija Comfort
  • Četveroslojni sustav filtracije
  • Funkcija za rublje
  • Plin rashladnog sredstva R290
Doznajte više
Tasciugo AriaDry Multi
  • 449,90 €
*PDV uključen
  • Dvoslojni sustav filtracije
  • Funkcija za rublje
  • Indikator razine vode
  • R290 prirodni plin
Doznajte više
Tasciugo AriaDry Multi
  • 389,90 €
*PDV uključen
  • Dvoslojni sustav filtracije
  • Funkcija za rublje
  • Plin rashladnog sredstva R290
  • Indikator razine vode
Doznajte više
Tasciugo AriaDry Multi
  • 314,90 €
*PDV uključen
  • Troslojni sustav filtracije
  • Funkcija sušenja odjeće
  • Ekološki osviješteno
  • Kontinuirana drenaža
Doznajte više
Tasciugo AriaDry Light
  • 309,90 €
*PDV uključen
  • Filter za prašinu
  • Ionizator
  • Funkcija za rublje
  • Tihi način rada
Doznajte više
Tasciugo AriaDry
  • 264,90 €
*PDV uključen
  • Smanjena razina buke
  • Funkcija sušenja odjeće
  • Kontinuirana drenaža
Doznajte više
Tasciugo AriaDry Multi
  • Troslojni sustav filtracije
  • Funkcija sušenja odjeće
  • Ekološki osviješteno
  • Kontinuirana drenaža
Doznajte više

What is a Dehumidifier?

A dehumidifier is a household appliance designed to reduce and control the humidity levels in a room or an enclosed space. It works by drawing in the moist air, extracting the excess moisture, and releasing dry air back into the room. Dehumidifiers are commonly used in areas with high humidity, such as basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms, to maintain a comfortable and healthy environment.

Benefits of Using Dehumidifiers for Mould and Cough

Using a dehumidifier offers several benefits, particularly in combating issues related to mold and cough. Excessive moisture in the air can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can trigger allergies and respiratory problems. By reducing humidity levels, dehumidifiers inhibit mold growth and help alleviate symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and congestion. They create a healthier living environment by reducing allergens and improving indoor air quality.

Help against Asthma and allergies
Help against Asthma and allergies

De'Longhi dehumidifiers are certified by the Allergy Standard Foundation* as a product suitable for people suffering from asthma and allergies, allowing you and your family to breathe easier and feel more comfortable.

Four-filtered system
Four-filtered system

For a healthy home, some of our dehumidifiers have 4-Action Filters to capture the majority of air pollutants that are harmful to your health. By removing 99.96%* of airborne particles, by capturing ultra-fine particles such as pollen, dust, mould, bacteria and pet dander right down to 0.1 microns, they reduce the risk of developing asthma and allergy symptoms.

Anti-mould help
Anti-mould help

The anti-mold function of the app helps to track the humidity. You can easily monitor functions, operating times and the recommended values to maintain the ideal humidity between temperature and humidity in your home.

Help against Asthma and allergies
Four-filtered system
Anti-mould help
Help against Asthma and allergies

De'Longhi dehumidifiers are certified by the Allergy Standard Foundation* as a product suitable for people suffering from asthma and allergies, allowing you and your family to breathe easier and feel more comfortable.

Four-filtered system

For a healthy home, some of our dehumidifiers have 4-Action Filters to capture the majority of air pollutants that are harmful to your health. By removing 99.96%* of airborne particles, by capturing ultra-fine particles such as pollen, dust, mould, bacteria and pet dander right down to 0.1 microns, they reduce the risk of developing asthma and allergy symptoms.

Anti-mould help

The anti-mold function of the app helps to track the humidity. You can easily monitor functions, operating times and the recommended values to maintain the ideal humidity between temperature and humidity in your home.

How to choose the right Dehumidifier for a room


How to choose the right Dehumidifier for a room

To effectively set up a dehumidifier, you have first to consider the size of the room. Most dehumidifiers come with adjustable humidity settings, that can be adjusted based on personal comfort and prevailing humidity conditions. Additionally, the size of the room plays a crucial role in determining the dehumidifier's capacity. Larger rooms may require more powerful units, while smaller rooms may be adequately serviced by compact models. Most De'Longhi dehumidifiers are suitable for rooms up to 85m3 but some models can be used to dehumidify even bigger spaces, up to 150m3.

How to Correctly Use a Dehumidifier


How to Correctly Use a Dehumidifier

The correct use of a dehumidifier is important to maximise its effectiveness, hence it is always recommended to first check the operating instructions to see what specific guidelines apply to the operation of your model, before operating one.


Correct positioning

First of all, it is important that there is enough space around the unit for good air circulation. In particular, a distance of at least 50 cm from the air outlet side should be maintained so that the dehumidifier can work optimally

Water disposal

As far as water disposal is concerned, there are models that allow you to choose between two solutions: the classic solution involves collecting the water in the appropriate tank, which once filled must be emptied; or, alternatively, you can opt for continuous draining, in the case of particularly severe moisture situations. In this case, make sure there's a suitable area where the water is discharged and the hose outlet is positioned below the spout.

Night usage

In general, it is possible to use a dehumidifier during the night, especially if the dehumidifier has a low noise level. This allows continuous moisture extraction during sleep. Some De'Longhi models operate at as low as 36 dB(A), which is the noise level of a library.

Initial Temperature & Humidity levels

Take into account that if the temperature is particularly cold, it is advisable to heat the room at the same time, to achieve more efficient dehumidification and thus greater room comfort. Finally, it is important to consider that the humidity conditions of a room are considered optimal when the relative humidity is between 40% and 60%. It would therefore be inefficient to use a dehumidifier below 40% humidity.

Energy Consumption


Consommation d'énergie

Les déshumidificateurs consomment une quantité d'électricité différente en fonction de leur taille, de leur performance et de leur utilisation. Pour réduire la consommation d'énergie, choisissez un déshumidificateur dont les paramètres sont réglables. Vous pouvez ainsi programmer l'arrêt de l'appareil lorsque le taux d'humidité souhaité est atteint. Notre fonction "anti-moisissure" permet d'économiser de l'énergie en optimisant les temps de fonctionnement. Elle surveille l'humidité de la pièce par rapport au niveau défini ainsi que les durées de fonctionnement et propose d'éliminer l'excès d'humidité.

Quelle est la meilleure solution ? Déshumidificateur ou climatiseur ?


Quelle est la meilleure solution ? Déshumidificateur ou climatiseur ?

Les déshumidificateurs et les climatiseurs mobiles ont des fonctions différentes, bien qu'ils contribuent tous deux à un environnement intérieur sain. Les climatiseurs refroidissent principalement l'air. En revanche, les déshumidificateurs se chargent uniquement à réduire le taux d'humidité sans abaisser la température. Si votre principale préoccupation est un taux d'humidité élevé, un déshumidificateur est le choix idéal. Toutefois, dans les climats chauds et humides, l'utilisation d'un climatiseur doté de capacités de déshumidification peut constituer une solution complète.
*Test effectué par un organisme tiers sur les particules MPPS conformément à la norme EN 1822:2010. Efficacité rapportée à des particules de 2,5 μm à une vitesse de 80 m3/h - déshumidification et filtration actives.