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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi


Caldo, freddo e cold
brew. Perfetto.

Caldo, freddo e cold brew. Perfetto.

Scegli i tuoi chicchi preferiti, le tue bevande calde, fredde o Cold Brew e aggiungi un tocco di creatività per un’esperienza sensoriale più completa.
Scopri di più

Eletta Explore

Eletta Explore

Eletta Explore

Porta la migliore esperienza di caffè a casa tua, combina la tua miscela preferita di chicchi e latte, scegli tra bevande calde, fredde o Cold Brew e mescola addirittura altri ingredienti per esprimere la tua creatività.
Acquista ora

The only true fully automatic coffee experience

Explore our range

Indulge yourself in the rich aroma of freshly ground coffee

One Touch
Fresh Beans
Lattecrema Hot and Cool Technologies


The best coffee at the
touch of a button

The best coffee at the touch of a button

Every step your barista takes to create your perfect cup of coffee is replicated inside a De’Longhi Automatic coffee machine, with one touch, consistently.


Freshly ground coffee is key

Freshly ground coffee is key

Using fresh coffee beans will maximise the flavour of your coffee. Grind your preferred beans into coarse or fine ground coffee to match your taste.


4 steps to high quality coffee

4 steps to high quality coffee

De'Longhi automatic coffee machines feature our proprietary Bean Adapt Technology, automatically adapting to your favourite coffee beans to ensure an aromatic and creamy espresso every time.


Creamy rich and long-lasting hot or cold milk foam

Creamy rich and long-lasting hot or cold milk foam

LatteCrema Technologies automatically serve superior quality foam, at the perfect hot or cold temperature, at the touch of a button.

Cold Brew, now at the touch of a button

Cold Extraction Technology

Cold Brew, now at the touch of a button

Cold Brew, now at the touch of a button

Cold Extraction Technology is the brand-new De'Longhi technology engineered to extract all the flavour nuances of your coffee beans. The machine is designed to infuse coffee powder at room temperature and low pressure, delivering a smooth and refreshing Cold Brew coffee in under 5 minutes, simply in the comfort of your home.

The perfect mix of hot and cold coffees

The perfect mix of hot and cold coffees

Lattecrema Hot Technology
Lattecrema Cool Technology
Every Milk Type
Free Your Creativity


Enjoy balanced and consistent hot coffee drinks

Enjoy balanced and consistent hot coffee drinks

De’Longhi LatteCrema Hot Technology delivers the creamiest long-lasting foam, at the perfect hot temperature, with all types of milk and plant-based drinks.*


Making a perfect cold foam at home is now possible

Making a perfect cold foam at home is now possible

LatteCrema Cool Technology creates a silky milk foam at the ideal cold temperature, for a refreshing coffee experience.


Creamy milk foam with dairy and plant-based milk drinks*

Creamy milk foam with dairy and plant-based milk drinks*

LatteCrema Technologies can function flawlessly with all milk types, from dairy to plant-based drinks, making consistently high-quality hot or cold milk foam.


Coffee for any taste

Coffee for any taste

Coffee and milk are just the beginning. Let your imagination take you on a discovery of indulgence.
*The quality of the froth may vary depending on the type of milk or plant-based drinks used, the brand name, ingredients and nutritional values.

Simplify maintenance routine


Simplify maintenance routine

Simplify maintenance routine

Our bean-to-cup coffee machines are easy to clean even after the preparation of milk-based drinks. With integrated cleaning functions, all the parts automatically clean themselves thoroughly, ensuring the utmost hygiene. Also, both the milk carafe and drip tray are removable and dishwasher safe.

Coffee Link App

Everything you need at your fingertips. With Coffee Link App you can easliy access your coffee experince remotely: set your coffee extraction parameters with our proprietary Bean Adapt technology, control and take care of your machine, discover creative recipes and access additional content on the world of coffee.

Coffee pleasure in real time
Coffee pleasure in real time
Connectivity lets you customise all your favourite recipes directly from the App.
Discover more recipes
Discover more recipes
Explore new flavours by setting the coffee intensity and the right temperature with a simple tap.
Settings and guide
Settings and guide
Set your profile and for more tips take a look at the how-to section.
Coffee pleasure in real time
Discover more recipes
Settings and guide
Coffee pleasure in real time
Connectivity lets you customise all your favourite recipes directly from the App.
Discover more recipes
Explore new flavours by setting the coffee intensity and the right temperature with a simple tap.
Settings and guide
Set your profile and for more tips take a look at the how-to section.

There's a place for real coffee lovers: ​​​​​​​Coffee Lounge


There's a place for real coffee lovers: ​​​​​​​Coffee Lounge

There's a place for real coffee lovers: ​​​​​​​Coffee Lounge

Join us in the Coffee Lounge, a place by coffee lovers for coffee lovers where you'll find everything you need to get the most out of your Automatic coffee maker and can learn more about the magical world of coffee, from its rich history and origins to recipes and the latest news.
Enter the Coffee Lounge

Keeping everything simple, including maintenance

Ready to use, ready for coffee
Ready to use, ready for coffee
Coffee is always stored in the container, so you can make your espresso with the freshest coffee beans and ground them with one simple touch.
Cleaning Programmes allow easy maintenance
Cleaning Programmes allow easy maintenance
The automatic cleaning, descaling and rinsing programmes will ensure utmost hygiene after each use of your coffee machine.
Washing the infuser is easy
Washing the infuser is easy
This might be your only chore, but it ensures the highest quality of your coffee.
Ready to use, ready for coffee
Cleaning Programmes allow easy maintenance
Washing the infuser is easy
Ready to use, ready for coffee
Coffee is always stored in the container, so you can make your espresso with the freshest coffee beans and ground them with one simple touch.
Cleaning Programmes allow easy maintenance
The automatic cleaning, descaling and rinsing programmes will ensure utmost hygiene after each use of your coffee machine.
Washing the infuser is easy
This might be your only chore, but it ensures the highest quality of your coffee.


Freshly ground beans deliver the tastiest espresso

Freshly ground beans deliver the tastiest espresso

De'Longhi grinders guarantee the optimal grinding consistency for the richest coffee aroma. This technology ensures you drink the best coffee you've ever tasted.


Always use the right coffee dose

Always use the right coffee dose

Taste and aroma also depend on the right amount of coffee and its specific pressure during ​​​​​​​preparation to obtain a richer result in your cup.


The balance between water and coffee

The balance between water and coffee

When the right amount of coffee meets water at the optimal temperature, something ​​​​​​​special happens: your espressos will have a unique creamy intensity.


In and out: always the most refined result

In and out: always the most refined result

After the precise preparation process, it’s time for the machine to extract a creamy, dense and aromatic espresso through its dedicated brewing unit.