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A world of coffee adventures awaits.

De’Longhi is a global brand that has created innovative products for nearly 50 years. Combining
innovative technology and a passion for espresso, De’Longhi has been a leader in delivering an elevated
at-home espresso experience.


Customize your Coffee with a Manual Espresso Machine


Customize your Coffee with a Manual Espresso Machine

Manual espresso machines offer a hands-on and artisanal approach to crafting exceptional espresso. Our beautifully designed machines empower you to handcraft your espresso the right way. With a manual machine, you can adjust the grind size, tamping pressure, and extraction time to fine-tune your espresso just the way you like it.

Explore the full collection of manual espresso makers and choose from an array of features including built in grinders, a smart taming station, a LatteArt steam wand and more.

Sleek and Innovative Design, with all the Right Features

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Sleek and Innovative Design, with all the Right Features

De’Longhi thoughtfully designed and constructed each manual espresso machine to make a statement on your counter, while introducing innovative features that give you control of every step of the espresso making process. Each model offers a slightly nuanced set of features to choose from, including professional-level pressure, LatteArt Steam Wands, smart tamping stations and more. Discover an authentic, artisanal coffee experience at home.

Revolutionary Espresso Experience

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Revolutionary Espresso Experience

At the heart of every great espresso shot is the quality of the beans. Using fresh coffee beans ensures you capture the full spectrum of flavors and aromas, from the rich, chocolatey notes to the bright, fruity undertones. The grind-to-brew process in a manual espresso machine allows you to fine-tune the extraction, resulting in a harmonious balance of coffee flavor. Our machines include patent pending technology that delivers precise, consistent grinding and optimal dose for espresso, every time.


There is the right espresso and coffee machine for each of us
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