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Choose the coffee machine you deserve at home


PrimaDonna Soul
Automatic machine grinding settings according to coffee beans The largest variety of automatic coffee and milk recipes Dense and creamy milk foam with the automatic LatteCrema System
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Dinamica Plus
Manual machine grinding settings according to coffee beans Extended coffee beverages menu at the touch of a button Dense and creamy milk foam with the automatic LatteCrema System
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La Specialista Prestigio
Manual machine grinding settings according to coffee beans Handcraft your coffee beverage like in a cafè Velvety milk texture with My LatteArt steam wand
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Von Hollywood zu Ihnen nach Hause


Naša priča od zvijezda

do tvog doma.

Naša priča od zvijezda do tvog doma.

Jednom davno, davno…počela je priča. Priča o vrhunskom okusu i užitku, o mogućnostima izbora i iznenađenjima za sva osjetila. Perfetto priča. U njoj Brad svakodnevno uživa uz De’Longhi i najdraža zrna kave. Priča koja uvijek ima sretan kraj: Perfetto trenutak, od zrna do savršenstva.

Now enjoy the De’Longhi perfetto film.
