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Gifts for the home: many
ideas to inspire you

Looking for the perfect gift?
Check out our selection of gifts for the home dedicated to
coffee lovers and more.

The perfect gift (0)

필터링 기준:
null Front
2  색상
반자동 커피 머신
라 스페셜리스타 아르떼
2 색상
EC9155.MB La Specialista Arte Manual espresso maker La Specialista Arte Evo Manual espresso maker EC9255.M
  • 8 Setting Grinder
  • Active Temperature Control
  • Three Pre-set Recipes
  • Authentic milk creations
null Front
2  색상
전자동 커피머신
마그니피카 S
2 색상
ECAM12.122.B Magnifica S Automatic coffee maker ECAM22.110.SB Magnifica S Automatic coffee maker
  • Fresh coffee in every cup
  • Traditional milk frother
  • Your coffee in one touch
  • 간편한 유지 관리
null Front
2  색상
전자동 커피머신
마그니피카 S
2 색상
ECAM12.122.B Magnifica S Automatic coffee maker ECAM22.110.B Magnifica S Automatic coffee maker
  • 매순간 즐기는 신선한 커피
  • 수동 우유거품기
  • 한 번의 터치로 맛보는 정통 이탈리안 커피
  • 간편한 유지 관리
null Front
3  색상
반자동 커피 머신
Dedica Style
3 색상
Dedica Style manual coffee maker EC685.M Dedica Style manual coffee maker EC685.W Dedica Arte manual coffee maker EC885.BG
  • Fast and powerful
  • Manual milk frothing
  • Variety of drinks
  • Two-tiered drip tray
null Front
3  색상
반자동 커피 머신
Dedica Style
3 색상
Dedica Style manual coffee maker EC685.BK Dedica Style manual coffee maker EC685.W Dedica Arte manual coffee maker EC885.BG
  • Fast and powerful
  • Manual milk frothing
  • Variety of drinks
  • Two-tiered drip tray
전자동 커피머신
마그니피카 S 스마
  • 그라인딩 기술
  • 신선한 커피
  • 온도조절
  • 간편한 세척
null Front
3  색상
반자동 커피 머신
Dedica Style
3 색상
Dedica Style manual coffee maker EC685.BK Dedica Style manual coffee maker EC685.M Dedica Arte manual coffee maker EC885.BG
  • Fast and powerful
  • Manual milk frothing
  • Variety of drinks
  • Two-tiered drip tray
null Front
1  색상
반자동 커피 머신
Icona Vintage
1 색상
Pump Espresso Coffee Machine Icona Vintage ECOV311.BG
  • 아이코나 빈티지 디자인
  • 15바 압력
  • 수동식 카푸치노 시스템
  • 분쇄 커피 또는 파드(ESE POD)
Throughout the year, gift-giving occasions can be many: not only for the festive season, but also for birthdays or housewarming parties.

Coffee cups, glasses and much more


Coffee cups, glasses and much more

Coffee mugs and cups can be the ideal gift for enjoying a relaxing break at any time of the day.
Espresso, cappuccino, americano: enjoy your favorite beverage to the fullest while watching a series or reading a good book.

Discover also our sets with coffee beans or glasses, for all different kinds of beverages.

Kettle and toaster sets to boost your breakfast


Kettle and toaster sets to boost your breakfast

Our electric kettles and toasters are the ideal gift for the kitchen. 
The kettles and toasters in the Eclettica collection combine modern aesthetics and playful charm to make your breakfast unique and even more enjoyable.

Distinta Titanium


Distinta Titanium

Kettle and toaster sets of the Distinta Titanium Collection, on the other hand, are the ideal choice if you're looking for a style that combines Italian design with instant functionality.

What if the perfect gift was a coffee maker?


What if the perfect gift was a coffee maker?

A coffee machine can also be a great gift idea for the kitchen and for your home. Discover our intuitive automatic coffee makers and enjoy your favorite beverage at the touch of a button.
Whatever gift you are looking for, we have everything you need.
Explore our selection of gifts for the home and choose the best one to suit every need and occasion.