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Caramel Latte Macchiato


Caramel Latte Macchiato

Time: 5 Min
Difficulty: Easy
Coffee Based

A simple recipe to create this coffee classic at home. Be sure to top it off with a drizzle of caramel sauce for the perfect amount of sweetness.


Eletta Explore with Latte Crema Cool and a long spoon - if equipment is not available you may use a De'Longhi coffee maker with a TrueBrew Over Ice feature in replacement for the cold coffee preparation


• Fresh coffee beans, we suggest natural processed Geisha Arabica beans

• 100 ml/3.38oz of cold milk

• Caramel sauce

• Chocolate squares


Step 1
To create the first part of the recipe, add a thin layer of caramel sauce to the bottom of the glass

Step 2
Then, fill the Latte Crema Cool carafe with 100 ml of cold milk and prepare 1 cup of cold milk foam using the maximum level of froth. Once ready, add the cold milk foam to the cup If this equipment is not available you can use a simple bar shaker to froth cold milk manually

Step 3
Prepare a single espresso at the desired level of aroma, directly over it

Step 4
Finally, decorate with chocolate or caramel sauce

For best visual results, pour each drink into the glass over the back of a long spoon to create even layers


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