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Posez-nous une question.

Why the top right green light of my EC860 coffee maker is keep blinking?

Your unit needs to be primed. Please follow these instructions:

  • Insert the water spout.
  • The light stops flashing and stay a steady green.
  • push thebutton showing3 water drops.
  • water will starttoflowfromthe water spout.
  • Unit is now primed.

Unit needs to be primed, follow these instructions:

  • Insert the water spout.
  • The light should stop flashing and stay a steady greenIf that doesn't happen, try to reinsert it.
  • Do this 3 times and of it doesn't stop send a new water spout.
  • If light goes to steady green push the button showing 3 water drops.
  • water will start to flow from the water spout Unit is now primed. Lights will flash while it is heating up.
