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Automatiska kaffemaskiner


från böna till kopp.

Perfetto, från böna till kopp.

Förgyll dina kaffestunder hemma med en perfekt smak, när bönorna du älskar möter expertisen i De'Longhis automatiska kaffemaskiner.
Se alla automatiska kaffemaskiner



Enkelhet med en knapptryckning.
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Oförglömliga espresso- och mjölkdrycksupplevelser med ett enda tryck.
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Uttrycksfull design och kaffeperfektion i ditt kök.
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Kompromisslöst hantverk och toppmodern teknik för en personlig kaffeupplevelse.
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Indulge yourself with the intense taste
​​​​​​​of freshly ground coffee.

All your favourite beverages
With De’Longhi automatic coffee machines you can prepare all your favorite beverages with a simple touch. You can easily customize the strength, length and the temperature of your coffee. You can also prepare your own favourite recipes.

Taste the creaminess of milk-based
​​​​​​​beverages to the fullest.

Automatic machines even for cleaning.



Automatic machines even for cleaning.

Cleaning the coffee machine is essential even after preparing milk-based drinks. This is why the Lattecrema carafe is equipped with an automatic cleaning system. You sit back and enjoy the drink without having to think about anything else.

Coffee Link App

Everything you need to know about your coffee machine in just a tap.
Configure your personal coffee profile on the app and use it whenever you want.

Coffee pleasure in real time
Coffee pleasure in real time
Connectivity lets you customize all your favourite recipes directly from the App.
Discover more recipes
Discover more recipes
Explore new tastes by setting the intensity of the aroma and the right temperature with a simple tap.
Settings and guide
Settings and guide
Set your espresso profile and, if you need to, take a look at the how-to section.
Coffee pleasure in real time
Discover more recipes
Settings and guide
Coffee pleasure in real time
Connectivity lets you customize all your favourite recipes directly from the App.
Discover more recipes
Explore new tastes by setting the intensity of the aroma and the right temperature with a simple tap.
Settings and guide
Set your espresso profile and, if you need to, take a look at the how-to section.

“Maestosa is a collection of more than 1,000 individual parts.”

Tryck för att starta
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The importance of every single element We have dropped the standard production procedures and created an innovative, dedicated process. Every single part of De'Longhi Maestosa is important for the exceptional quality we were looking for. As a result, we decided to craft Maestosa in a special "studio" where one person, called the “creator”, takes care of each Maestosa throughout the entire crafting process.
Creators follow the project step-by-step. A Maestosa "creator" can finish only a handful of machines per day. They are supported by state-of-the-art technologies and full electronic checks at every step and follow the entire production process to deliver the unique Maestosa, for our consumers to enjoy cup after cup of excellent espresso.
Almost 4 years to complete the project. We explored all the possibilities, to give our customers an excellent experience. To do so, we completely redesigned the technical platform. And this is why, from the first idea to the first manufactured product, it took us almost 4 years, which is almost the double the time a standard new product usually requires.

Keeping everything simple, including maintenance.

Discover our tips for the right maintenance of your Automatic coffee makers-cup coffee machine.​​​​​

Ready to use, ready for coffee
Ready to use, ready for coffee
Coffee is always stored in the container, so you can always make your espresso with the freshest coffee beans and ground them with one simple touch.
Cleaning Programmes are always ready
Cleaning Programmes are always ready
Since there is always water in the coffee machine, the cleaning programme is always ready to start.
Washing the infuser is easy
Washing the infuser is easy
This might be your only chore, but it ensures the highest quality of your coffee.
Ready to use, ready for coffee
Cleaning Programmes are always ready
Washing the infuser is easy
Ready to use, ready for coffee
Coffee is always stored in the container, so you can always make your espresso with the freshest coffee beans and ground them with one simple touch.
Cleaning Programmes are always ready
Since there is always water in the coffee machine, the cleaning programme is always ready to start.
Washing the infuser is easy
This might be your only chore, but it ensures the highest quality of your coffee.

Die Qualität der Zubereitung ist das Herzstück eines unvergesslichen Espressos.

De'Longhi beherrscht die Kaffeezubereitung in Perfektion
