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Macchine da Caffè De'Longhi

De'Longhi garantisce un'esperienza di gusto unica, con la macchina perfetta per ogni tuo caffè. Esplora la nostra gamma e trova la macchina più adatta alle tue esigenze.

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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi
  • €2,750.99
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Maestosa Automatic coffee maker EPAM960.55.GM
  • Tecnologia LatteCrema Hot
  • Interfaccia utente intuitiva
  • Varietà di bevande
  • Caffè macinato fresco
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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi
  • €2,299.99
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 Maestosa Automatic coffee maker EPAM960.75.GLM
  • Tecnologia LatteCrema Hot
  • Interfaccia utente intuitiva
  • Varietà di bevande
  • Caffè macinato fresco
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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi
PrimaDonna Soul
  • €1,259.99
  • €1,499.99
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PrimaDonna Soul ECAM612.55.SB Automatic coffee machine
  • Facile interazione
  • LatteCrema Hot
  • Ampia selezione di bevande
  • Caffè macinato fresco in ogni tazza
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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi
Eletta Explore
  • €1,159.99
  • €1,249.99
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Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM450.65.G Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM450.65.S Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM452.67.G
  • Display intuitivo a colori
  • Porta con te le tue bevande
  • Pulizia facile
  • App Coffee Link
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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi
Eletta Explore
  • €1,149.99
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Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM450.65.G Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM450.86.T Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM452.67.G
  • Pulizia facile
  • Display intuitivo a colori
  • App Coffee Link
  • Porta con te le tue bevande
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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi
PrimaDonna Class
  • €1,099.90
  • Tecnologia di macinatura
  • LatteCrema Hot
  • Controllo temperatura
  • Pulizia facile
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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi
PrimaDonna Soul
  • €1,035.99
  • €1,499.99
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ECAM610.75.MB PrimaDonna Soul Automatic coffee maker
  • Facile interazione
  • LatteCrema Hot
  • Ampia selezione di bevande
  • Caffè macinato fresco in ogni tazza
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Macchine automatiche per caffè in chicchi
Eletta Explore
  • €999.99
  • €1,149.99
3 colori
Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM450.65.S Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM450.86.T Eletta Explore Automatic coffee maker ECAM452.67.G
  • Display intuitivo a colori
  • App Coffee Link
  • Porta con te le tue bevande
  • Pulizia facile
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Un Mondo di Macchine da Caffè

La nostra gamma di macchine da caffè espresso comprende macchine automatiche per caffè in grani, macchine da caffè manuali, macchine per il cappuccino e tante altre ancora. De'Longhi è riconosciuta per il suo impegno verso la qualità, l'innovazione e il design intuitivo.

Le nostre macchine sono note per la loro affidabilità, le elevate prestazioni e la capacità di produrre un'incredibile varietà di bevande a base di caffè. Per questo, una macchina da caffè De'Longhi è sempre la scelta perfetta per chi ama gustare un caffè di qualità nel comfort della propria casa.


Automatic Coffee Makers

Automatic coffee makers are convenient and user-friendly machines designed to deliver high quality coffee and milk drinks at the touch of a button. With built-in water reservoirs, grinders, programmable timers, and various brewing options, they make it easy to enjoy a cup of coffee with minimal effort. From a simple cup of Black Coffee to specialty beverages like Lattes and Cappuccinos, automatic coffee makers offer versatility and convenience for coffee enthusiasts.  You can wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee without any hassle.


Manual Espresso Makers

For those who appreciate the art of coffee making, manual espresso makers, also known as pump espresso machines, provide a unique experience. These machines require manual effort and skill to operate: the user must fill the portafilter with the coffee and press it to the right amount, then lock it onto the machine. By pressing a button the machine will generate just the right water pressure to extract a flavorful shot of espresso. Manual espresso makers offer precise control over the brewing process, allowing coffee enthusiasts to experiment with variables like grind size, tamping pressure, and extraction time. With manual espresso makers, you can savor the ritual of creating a perfectly balanced and personalized espresso shot.


Cappuccino Machines

If you enjoy indulgent and creamy cappuccinos, a coffee machine with built-in milk frothers systems, such as the LatteCrema technology, or steam wands, provided with many of our manual espresso machines, are the way to go. With a cappuccino machine, you can create the perfect balance of espresso, steamed milk, and froth to craft a delicious and visually appealing cappuccino. From entry-level models with manual milk frothing to advanced machines with automatic milk systems, cappuccino machines offer a range of options to suit your preferences and skill level.


Machines à café - Accessoires et entretien

Il existe divers accessoires qui peuvent améliorer votre expérience de préparation du café.

Le détartrant, tel que l'EcoDeCalk De'Longhi, est un accessoire essentiel qui permet d'éliminer les dépôts de calcaire et l’accumulation de tartre des composants internes de la machine à café. Un détartrage régulier aide à maintenir les performances et la longévité de la machine.

En outre, d’autres accessoires tels que les pichets à mousse de lait, les moulins à café et les récipients pour café sous vide de café peuvent améliorer davantage votre routine de préparation du café. Ces accessoires offrent commodité, précision et possibilité de personnaliser votre processus de préparation du café.

Les vrais passionnés de café peuvent également profiter du design et de la fonctionnalité de nos verres à Expresso, ou des mugs thermaux en céramique faites main, chacune avec un style et un design uniques qui en feront des cadeaux parfaits pour vos amis et votre famille !

Le presse-café (Tamper) est un autre accessoire essentiel utilisé pour répartir uniformément et compresser le marc de café dans le porte-filtre d’une machine à expresso, assurant de cette manière une extraction optimale. Un tamper de bonne qualité peut contribuer à des espresso consistants et savoureux.