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Wake up to creativity.

Wake up to creativity.

The breakfast collection that unleashes your creativity day after day and nourishes your soul. Ballerina brings an extra touch of character to your kitchen.
Shop Ballerina

Show your creativity through colour.

The Ballerina collection is available in three colour palettes that reflect your personality and spark your imagination.
Opaline White
Furnace Black
Laguna Green


The epitome of
pureness and spirituality.

The epitome of  pureness and spirituality.

Ballerina's opaline white will bring light and joy to your kitchen.


Eliminate interference and
​​​​​​​allow yourself to be inspired.

Eliminate interference and allow yourself to be inspired.

Furnace black is the epitome of elegance to spark your creativity every morning.

Your inspiration, each and every morning

An absolute première, to start the day with creativity, vitality and individuality.

Inspired aesthetics.
Inspired aesthetics.
A breakfast collection to enjoy using and to admire even when it’s switched off, the elegant aesthetics of Ballerina reflect your personality to perfection.
Artistically crafted.
Artistically crafted.
The expert craftsmanship of Ballerina will create that special mood at the start of the day and transform your kitchen into the home of creativity.
Absolute première.
Absolute première.
A breakfast collection unlike any other, Ballerina is available in three distinct colours to ignite your creativity every morning.
Inspired aesthetics.
Artistically crafted.
Absolute première.
Inspired aesthetics.
A breakfast collection to enjoy using and to admire even when it’s switched off, the elegant aesthetics of Ballerina reflect your personality to perfection.
Artistically crafted.
The expert craftsmanship of Ballerina will create that special mood at the start of the day and transform your kitchen into the home of creativity.
Absolute première.
A breakfast collection unlike any other, Ballerina is available in three distinct colours to ignite your creativity every morning.

Artistically crafted objects designed for those
who love to wake up to artistic inspiration.

Dodirnite za početak
Ponovno reproduciraj
Marco Lodola Art is an expression of your inner soul. It’s never dormant, it’s always moving. The artist’s biggest challenge is to find the music to make it dance.
The Ballerina The icon that inspired the collection. The epitome of elegance and the spark that ignites your creativity every morning.
The collection The Ballerina collection, with its sophisticated and curated colour palette and plissé finish, is the must-have collection for those who love artistic inspiration.