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Common Issues - Fully Automatic Coffee Machine

Common Issues:

  • Grinding issue

  • Grinder is stuck

  • Grinder not working

  • Grinder is noisy

  • Machine makes a lot of noise

  • Buzzing noise

  • Coffee is weak

  • Coffee doesn’t flow

  • Water does not flow

  • Water waste

  • To many auto-rinsing

  • Water rinses are too long

  • Coffee is delivered slowly

  • Drop by drop

  • Leaking nozzles

  • Acid coffee taste

  • Bad coffee

  • Coffee smells

  • Leakage under the machine

  • Coffee powder residues

  • Milk sputtering

  • Bad frothing

  • Large bubbles

These common issues are easily related to a lack of maintenance that can be easily avoided. Below you can find some useful tips as well as a cleaning products list compatible with any De’Longhi coffee machine:

  • Use fresh water every day;

  • Choose good quality coffee beans! Please avoid any coffee beans that are too oily, caramelised or coated as these can stick to the grinder resulting in permanent damage;

  • Store your coffee beans correctly: In dry and dark places;

  • Regularly make your favourite drinks with your machine so all internal circuits remain clean and away from limescale buildups;

  • Set the coffee grinder only when the machine is actively grinding the beans, otherwise, you risk jamming the grinder;

  • Use the DeLonghi descaler and never vinegar! Depending on the hardness of the water you use, your coffee machine needs to be descaled less or more frequently. Only a good descaling solution will help your machine to be properly maintained that is why we strongly suggest using our De’Longhi EcoDecalc to make sure you obtain the best result in cup. Vinegar, on the other hand, is prone to leave a strong smell and an acid taste to your coffee;

  • Use our WaterFilter or SoftBalls to improve the water quality and consequently the taste of your coffee. Another key factor is that they help reduce limescale and frequency of the descaling procedure that remains necessary when the coffee machine asks for it;

  • Daily rinses are necessary! Most coffee machines make them automatically when they are switched ON/OFF. If your machine does not have the AutoRinse function remember to rinse it every time you use your coffee machine to avoid the coffee residual buildups on your appliance.

  • Remember to clean every removable accessory connected to the main appliance such as Milk containers, steam wand, porta filter, hot water pipe, drip tray and ground container. To keep these accessories well-cleaned and in optimal condition please make regular cleanings using the Eco MultiClean, a detergent designed to remove milk residue and effectively clean external and removable parts of your coffee maker.

  • Clean the Brewing unit every week! Before extracting the brewing unit, be sure to turn your machine Off from the On/Off button and wait for the complete shutdown procedure to be completed. Only after, you can extract the Brewing unit and clean it with WATER ONLY. We suggest immersing the Unit underwater for some minutes and then rinsing it under tap water. Dry the Brewing Unit and insert it back into the machine. 

Accessories and Care:

We offer a wide variety of cleaning solutions and packs to satisfy your machine’s needs so, please check them out on our website to learn more about them. Here below you can find a short list:

EcoDecalk: Keep your coffee tasting delicious with the regular use of our eco-friendly descaler. Eco-friendly universal descaling solution with natural ingredients. Extends the life of your machine, preserves energy efficiency and guarantees the best coffee flavour. Faster and more effective than conventional limescale removers

Purchase here

WaterFilter: The filter helps reduce limescale, resulting in better coffee quality and extending your coffee machine’s working life. Please verify if it’s compatible with your machine, otherwise, we suggest using SoftBalls.

Purchase here

SoftBalls: Reduce limescale and improve the taste of your coffee with Softballs Anti-Limescale Spheres. Anti-limescale spheres for coffee machines equipped with a water tank. Prevent limescale formation without altering the sensory properties of the water. Preserve the content of mineral salts in the water, guaranteeing creamy, delicious coffee. No chemicals are released.

Purchase here

Eco MultiClean: Keep your coffee maker clean and free from milk residue with our ECO Multiclean. A detergent designed for cleaning the milk carafe circuit. Removes milk residue and effectively cleans external and removable parts of your coffee maker.

Purchase here

Watch the dedicated HowTo YouTube playlist here to learn more about them.
