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Dedica Maestro Plus


Qualité inégalée du Café De'Longhi
dans une machine compacte.

Qualité de café De'Longhi inégalée dans une machine compacte.

Dedica Maestro Plus offre une expérience café de qualité supérieure dans un design élégant et compact avec une technologie avancée et une qualité de mousse signée De'Longhi permettant de faire ressortir le barista qui est en vous.
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Une goutte de design italien


Une goutte de design italien

Créées dans un souci de forme et de fonctionnalité, Dedica Maestro Plus complète à merveille la cuisine de tout amateur de café. Avec son design minimaliste élégant et un éventail de fonctions pensées pour vous offrir la tasse de café parfaite, notre gamme Dedica est l’expression ultime du style et de la qualité.

Exceptionnellement supérieure. Petite, avec fierté.

Thermoblock avancée
Contrôle de température
3 températures d’infusion


Le moyen le plus rapide d’obtenir un café parfait.

Grâce à la nouvelle technologie Thermoblock avancée, Dedica Maestro Plus atteint rapidement la température d’extraction parfaite, de sorte que vos boissons à base de café préférées sont prêtes à être dégustées sans attendre.


Stabilna temperatura za pripremu.

Inovativno aktivno podešavanje temperature održava stabilnu temperaturu vode tijekom cijele faze ekstrakcije kave osiguravajući izvrsne rezultate u šalici svaki put.


The perfect temperature for every bean.

Dedica Maestro Plus lets you choose from 3 different temperature levels to bring out the very best from your favourite coffee beans.

AUTO LatteArt - the perfect foam for the perfect drink

Ultra-precise temperature profiles with 3 different settings and milk foam texture adjustments bring the coffee shop experience to your home.
Profile one - 60°
Profile one - 60°
The ideal temperature for plant-based drinks like soy, rice and almond. A more delicate heating for a more delicate result.
Profile two - 65°
Profile two - 65°
The optimal temperature for dairy milks. As recommended by the Specialty Coffee Association.
Profile three - 70°
Profile three - 70°
To-go drinks need a little more heat to ensure the foam stays dense for longer. Just 5°C more makes all the difference.
Profile one - 60°
Profile two - 65°
Profile three - 70°
Profile one - 60°
The ideal temperature for plant-based drinks like soy, rice and almond. A more delicate heating for a more delicate result.
Profile two - 65°
The optimal temperature for dairy milks. As recommended by the Specialty Coffee Association.
Profile three - 70°
To-go drinks need a little more heat to ensure the foam stays dense for longer. Just 5°C more makes all the difference.

Auto LatteArt - A foam for every taste.

Auto LatteArt automatically froths the milk at the selected temperature and at the desired texture for a true barista experience.
Super fine foam Feel like a true barista and get create perfect Latte Art at home with the super fine foam.
Fine foam With great foams come great cappuccinos. Use the fine texture profile for an unforgettable milk experience.
Dense foam A thicker texture is the best choice for the most-enjoyable Latte Macchiato.
Super fine foam Feel like a true barista and get create perfect Latte Art at home with the super fine foam.
Fine foam With great foams come great cappuccinos. Use the fine texture profile for an unforgettable milk experience.
Dense foam A thicker texture is the best choice for the most-enjoyable Latte Macchiato.

Cleaning made simple.


Cleaning made simple.

Auto purge removes any residual milk from the steam wand. Simply lower the wand to the "Off" position and Dedica Maestro Plus will take care of the rest.
Elegance, function and an obsessive attention to every detail
A blend of finesse and stability.
The perfect combination of dimension and weight gives Dedica Maestro Plus its ultra-compact and ultra-stable design.
Everything. Under
Dedica Maestro Plus comes complete with a new intuitive interface for an added layer of control over your coffee experience.
A more caring coffee experience.
In addition to its A+ Energy Efficiency Class, up to 40% of the plastic used in Dedica Maestro Plus is made of recycled plastic.