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How do I make a cappuccino?

- Cappuccino glass
- 1 Shot of Espresso
- Topped up with hot (55-60°C) and frothed milk
- Optional sprinkling of Cocoa Powder
- Add sugar to taste and/or try topping with cocoa or cinnamon powder.

It is best served in a pre-heated cappuccino cup or a medium sized glass.

Tip if using a traditional frother: The milk should be steamed in a stainless steel milk jug to around 60°C, giving it a pouring temperature of 55-60°C and a froth free of large bubbles. Only fill the jug up to 1/3 of the capacity as the volume will increase while steaming. Professional baristas can be seen knocking out the larger bubbles in the jug by gently tapping the base of the milk jug on the bar table and swirling the milk around. When adding steamed milk, pour so that the milk drops through the froth first and then top the drink with the remaining froth.

Traditionally this is a breakfast drink in Italy and often enjoyed with a pastry, consisting of a shot of espresso with hot and densely frothed milk. It is normally made up of a ratio of 1/3 coffee, 1/3 hot milk, and topped with 1/3 milk froth.
