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Material Safety

Material Safety Data Sheets

A material safety data sheet (MSDS) is a document containing information on the properties of a particular substance. It is intended to provide details for handling or working with a substance in a safe manner, and may include information such as physical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling procedures.




Air Conditioning Descaler (PINGUINO)

For the periodical servicing of airconditioners. It quickly removes accumulations and scale of an inorganic nature without affecting the equipment.


DeLonghi Ecodecalk Descaler

Descaler for household coffee machines


DeLonghi Ecomulticlean

Universal detergent of coffee machines


Heat Conduction Oil N32

This is the fluid used in oil heaters.


Milk Clean SER3013

Detergent for milk fat -hygienic cleaning of cappuccino nozzles. Provides effective and long-lasting cleaning of all the types of cappuccino nozzle. Protects all the sensitive materials, keeping them clean longer.


The Material Safety Data Sheets are in PDF format. If you do not have the free Acrobat Reader click here.
