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Which are the NEW recipes available for Prima Donna Elite?

  • The first new beverage is simply called COFFEE . It is longer than an 'espresso', with a thinner crema and a lighter coffee taste. C ompared to the 'Long' coffee option, it is shorter with a stronger coffee taste.
  • CAPPUCCINO+: is the second new recipe. It is made in the same way as a traditional cappuccino, but with a shot of doppio+, t herefore the drink is darker than a standard cappuccino but still maintains the separate layers of coffee and milk.
  • Finally, we have the CAPPUCCINO MIX . This is made with the same cappuccino proportions of coffee and milk but with a different delivery order: coffee first, milk afterwards. The result is a uniformly brown milk drink, right up to the milk foam. It's ideal for people who like to blend the coffee and milk together also giving the milk foam a coffee taste.

