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Automatic coffee machines

Automatic Coffee

Automatic Coffee Machines

Enjoy the simplicity and outstanding quality of our
automatic coffee machines. From rich espresso to creamy cappuccino,
you can enjoy your favourite coffee, with just one touch.

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n1. fully automatic coffee makers
One Touch Experience
Automatic Grinding
Coffee Brewing Technology
Milk Texturing Technology
Your Personal Café

Perfect coffee,
with just one touch

Perfect coffee, with just one touch

De'Longhi automatic coffee machines prepare quality, hot and cold drinks,
with the touch of a button.

From bean to cup

From bean to cup

Automatically adapts the grind to suit your favourite beans, resulting in a rich, aromatic cup of coffee.

Advanced technology for creating consistent, quality coffee

Advanced technology for creating consistent, quality coffee

Advanced technologies, created by De'Longhi, automate the grinding, tamping, brewing, and milk texturing processes, so you can enjoy consistently delicious coffee.

Perfect foam in just one touch

Perfect foam in just one touch

The exclusive De’Longhi LatteCrema Technology automatically creates
perfectly creamy and rich foam with milk and plant-based drinks and
automatically cleans itself.


Barista-quality microfoam, at the touch of a button

Barista-quality microfoam, at the touch of a button

Our exclusive LatteCrema Technology, automatically textures all types of milk into silky microfoam, and the system is also self-cleaning.

We have the perfect coffee maker for you


Magnifica Evo Quality coffee, reassuringly simple.
One touch coffee and milk essential LatteCrema Hot* selected models Soft touch coloured icons

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Rivelia Switch the way you coffee and enjoy creating your coffee, your way.
Bean to Switch system LatteCrema Hot Technology Display TFT 3.5" and 4 profiles

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Eletta Explore Hot, Iced and Cold Brew for the ultimate coffee experience.
50 + coffee recipes LatteCrema Hot and Cool 3.5" touch colour display and Coffee Link App Cold Extraction technology Made in Italy
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Magnifica Evo Quality coffee, reassuringly simple.
One touch coffee and milk essential LatteCrema Hot* selected models Soft touch coloured icons

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Maestosa Delight yourself in the excellence of the coffee experience.
20+ customisable recipes LatteCrema Hot with Double Cappuccino function 5" touch colour display and Coffee Link App Dual bean container with Adaptive Grinding Technology, Mix Carafe Made in Italy
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PrimaDonna Soul Go straight to the soul of coffee.
20 + customisable recipes LatteCrema Hot 4.3" touch colour display + 5 personalisation profiles Bean Adapt technology Made in Italy
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Eletta Explore Hot, Iced and Cold Brew for the ultimate coffee experience.
50 + coffee recipes LatteCrema Hot and Cool 3.5" touch colour display and Coffee Link App Cold Extraction technology Made in Italy
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Rivelia Switch the way you coffee and enjoy creating your coffee, your way.
Bean to Switch system LatteCrema Hot Technology Display TFT 3.5" and 4 profiles

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Magnifica Evo Quality coffee, reassuringly simple.
One touch coffee and milk essential LatteCrema Hot* selected models Soft touch coloured icons

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Rivelia Switch the way you coffee and enjoy creating your coffee, your way.
Bean to Switch system LatteCrema Hot Technology Display TFT 3.5" and 4 profiles

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Switch the way you coffee



Switch the way you coffee

Switch the way you coffee

Explore the sensational flavours of fresh coffee beans, and enjoy creating your coffee, your way, with Rivelia. Perfetto.
Discover Rivelia

Discover the full range of automatic coffee machines.

Discover the full range of automatic coffee machines.

A variety of options to suit your preferred coffee experience.

Everything you need
to explore the world of coffee.

magnfica delonghi

Everything you need
to explore the world of coffee.

Everything you need
to explore the world of coffee.

One touch away from a world of coffee variety.
Discover the range

Eletta Explore.
From hot coffee to cold brew.

eletta explore automatic machine with cold brew

Eletta Explore.
From hot coffee to cold brew.

Eletta Explore.
From hot coffee to cold brew.

Explore new tastes and inspire creativity with hot coffee, iced coffee, and Cold Brew recipes.
Discover more

Custom-made, coffee

primadonna soul delonghi

Custom-made, coffee

Custom-made, coffee

Statement design and coffee excellence at home.
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help me choose a delonghi coffee machine

Which De'Longhi coffee machine is right for you?

Which De'Longhi coffee machine is right for you?

Answer brief questions to find the coffee machine ideal for your needs. To make your experience Perfetto, we are happy to provide you with an exclusive offer.
Take the test

Transforming with integrity



Transforming with integrity

Visit the Coffee Lounge and find out how to enjoy a more responsible coffee experience.

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Our reputation speaks for itself

Maestosa coffee machine award winner


Our reputation speaks for itself

Our reputation speaks for itself

De'Longhi coffee machines are recognised for their quality and style. Maestosa received the Australian Good Design Awards, the country's most prestigious international award for design and innovation.

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Prefer to chat to one of our experts?

Answer a few simple questions to find exactly what you're looking for.

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More than just automatics

More than just automatics

There's a coffee maker for every taste. Discover yours.
